I had fun making these poi cupcakes, I used 6 red foil cupcake cases and baked some yummy vanilla cupcakes. I topped this with a white and red blossom of fondant icing and then placed on top a little handmade fondant poi. These were quick and easy to make. The stand is not a cupcake stand at all, it is in fact a stand to hold tealight candles. I loved the twisting twirling design. I cannot be taken shopping ANYWHERE without looking for alternate uses for products. Everything I look at, suggests other uses in my sweet treat endeavours. I am worst in the food & lolly shops, I can spend ages just looking. My cupboards are full of things I might just need one day (I know from talking to many of you, I'm not the only one)

For my overseas readers - Wikipedia's (the free encyclopaedia) definition of poi

Poi is a performance art employing a ball or balls suspended from a length of flexible material held in the hand and swung in circular patterns. Poi originates from the traditional performing arts of Maori people of New Zealand and has since developed many forms enjoyed worldwide as a hobby, exercise, or performance art
Thanks for the tip about using candle holders as a cupcake stand. I will now go shopping for items with a far more creative outlook.