Especially when wonderful customers such as Lisa from
Denheath Desserts surprise me with a wonderful box of goodies like these. There are so many scrummy things in this box, I hardly know where to start, 2 delectable custard squares, a wonderful SQUARE chocolate eclair HOW DID THEY DO THAT? asstd cheescakes, oh my oh my I am in heaven. Currently I have scoffed 1 custard square and taste tested the square chocolate eclair (which Grandma Kiwicakes polished off) as well as the triple chocolate cheescake. Not bad for a mornings work. Roll on lunchtime and afternoon tea.

Now wouldn't you like to open a box and find this wee gem inside?

The wonderful carton fits perfectly inside it's polystyrene mini chilli bin - it has been incredibly well thought out, the box when opened folds flat, to allow for easy removal of the tasty goodies.
Such a cute little ice pack and it's partially frozen, even after it's long trip from Timaru.
I am already planning just who I can send one of these wonderful collections too. Rest assured they taste GREAT and the reliable overnight courier service, that ensures your gift arrives in immaculate condition means you can rest easy. Go on get some today!
Yummo those look SO DELICIOUS, you lucky lady!