Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I just love it when the children can teach me a trick or two

I was inspired to write this post after eating the amazing lemon freeze my 8 year old made with her daddy over the weekend. We had to wait a full day for it to freeze.
Poppy kept commenting on how burdened our poor wee lemon tree was and how she thought we needed to make something with the lemons. She found a recipe for "Lemon Freeze" in her book titled "Grow your own tree hugger - 101 activities to teach your child how to live green" (something we've been trying to do more & more).

The photo above is after a large bunch of lemons were removed for this recipe, the poor tree is not quite a metre tall.

Whilst her younger brother was off at a birthday party they set about following the recipe, I was out at the time, but came home to the most heavenly smells of lemons premeating my kitchen which hung around all day.

When we ate one, I must have raved a little too much when I was told "Mum - you don't have to keep going on about how beautiful it is", to which I replied "if you put this on a menu at a restaurant you'd be famous.
No seriously, I'm not kidding it was that good. If you have too many lemons at your home, give it a try.

Lemon Freeze (serves 12)
8 lemons (there are 2 extra in case of damage to shells used as serving bowls)
720ml cream
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 1/4 cups sugar
3 tbsp lemon zest

1. Cut all lemons in half and juice them
2. Scoop out remianing pulp from the lemon halves carefully avoiding make a hole in the bottom.
3. Level off the bottom of any lemon half that tilts too much to hold liquid.
4. using the two extra halves that are most imperfect grate lemon zest in to a large mixing bowl.
5. Add cream, lemon juice, sugar.
6. Set lemon halves in a baking dish that will fit in freezer.
7. pour heavy cream mixture in to each lemon half, fill to brim
8. Freeze overnight & up to one month.
9. Serve frozen

(Tree hugger chat point - if the lemon freeze is served with just a spoon, the whole fruit serves a purpose & some dishwater & soap is saved along the way.)


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Northern Advocate newspaper article Monday 15th August

Yesterday I was featured in a story on the front page of the Northern Advocate newspaper. Mike Dinsdale did a great job with the article. For the full story click here (photo Michael Cunningham)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Her Magazine bloom awards coverage

I was looking forward to receiving my latest copy of Her magazine, to read all about the coverage of the bloom awards (for which I was a finalist for best use of technology). The magazine gave some wonderful coverage to the 2 day conference, as well as the awards. As a finalist, I received a lovely glossy 1/2 page ad.

However I was floored as I was flicking through to find I'd made the websites to watch column,as I did not know I was going to be featured there. I think the Kiwicakes website looks mighty fine in print.

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