
Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm a big boy now!

It is with mixed emotion for me, that my youngest turned 5 recently. When my first child was born, I couldn't wait for her to reach each new milestone, with my youngest I now think "oh that's the last time we'll ever go to kindy". As I was driving to work the day before my son's last day of kindy, I was thinking to myself about the play-doh birthday cake I received when I turned 5 at Kamo Kindy, and lo &; behold when I got to work Grandma Kiwicakes had propped this photo up against my computer.

The photo above lead me to thinking about my 5th birthday cake, I can still remember the anticipation of waiting for Mum to go and collect the cake. I had chosen it from the Kamo Home Cookery. They always had a few dummy dolly varden cakes in the window, which I used to gaze at longingly as we walked past the window on the way to kindy, they also had stacks of photos of them in their cake albums, mine was pink & white and very girlie. Some where is a much better photo of it, but this is the only one I could find. In 30 years, not much has changed, this style of cake hasn't changed, except perhaps the 1980s hair do on the doll and the style of piping on the dress.

However I cannot dwell on it for too long as mister 5 is so full of life and rip roaring ready to go to school, I cannot be sad for more than 2 minutes. We've already been shopping for school uniforms, books and a new bag. So we're eagerly awaiting Monday morning.

Both my husband Vaughan and I went for the "happy happy last day" at Kindy, the children get to choose their mat time activity/song and receive a card & play-doh cake. Mister 5 chose dinosaur cupcakes to give to his friends, as he lives, breathes and dreams about dinosaurs, all day every day!

So it was not surprising the party theme was DINOSAURS! I used the Diggin for dino partyware

Mister 5 had very specific ideas about the candy he wanted in the jars on his party table I used green & orange jelly beans from Kiwi candy buffets the kids really enjoyed using the tongs and scoops to get the candy from the old fashioned candy jars

If it could be made in the shape of a dinosaur it was, such as the sandwhiches, which I cut out using these cookie cutters These dinosaur picks were perfect for spearing cheese & dinosaur eggs, oh I mean grapes!

I made the mistake of telling Mister almost 5 to look through all of my cake books and see what he liked for a cake, he found an old wilton yearbook from the 1980s and chose the Wilton Megasaurus cake tin, long discontinued, so it was an expensive shopping trip on ebay to get the tin secondhand.

For some reason I've never been a great fan of poking candles right in a cake (unless it's round and plain), so I was really pleased to find this Wish-a-saurus candle holder, which makes a great keepsake of the party when all the excitement is over.
That's it for kiddy birthday parties in our house until next. Goodness knows what next years obsession will be?

1 comment:

  1. Sandra, it looks fantastic! Alex would have loved all those Dinos too. Awesome party. Nic.
