
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today I sampled the taste of YELLOW chocolate

I had word from Telecom & Josh that the YELLOW taste testers would be in Bank st Whangarei from 11am-2pm today. I couldn't wait to race down and try out the TASTE OF YELLOW. I met with the two lovely girls here in my photo who explained to me, the 4 tasting samples all needed to be tasted YAY! 4 whole chocolates just for me. Then I had to nominate NOT which chocolate I liked the most, but which chocolate tasted the most like YELLOW.

This is what the 4 chocolates looked like.

The testers marked off on a sheet, which colour wrapped chocolate most tasted like YELLOW in each testers opinion.

The testers were well positioned outside one large bank, across the road from another and next to the rubbish bin (for all those wrappers) and a pedestrian crossing to catch new taste testers. As I was chatting to the girls, the bank staff were revolving in and out in rotations, word had got around the banks via email.

The girls told me what each flavour was, and it's likely I didn't taste test them in the correct order, to get the best from them - but then I wasn't thinking straight, I just wanted to taste them.

Thankfully the lovely girls allowed me to bring home 1 of each, so I could share the story with you here.

Kowhai Cream

Now I wanted this one to most taste like YELLOW who wouldn't being Kiwicakes and all - but sadly it did not. This was the third chocolate I tasted on the street and couldn't taste much of anything at all. When I came home to take this photo for you, I made a point of tasting it first - I shared half of each chocolate with Kiwicakes Grandma (aka Mum) and she said it tasted of pollen. I thought it very subtle and couldn't describe what it tasted of. Not YELLOW in my opinion.

Lemon Yoghurt

I tasted this on the street first, I love lemon and was surprised to find it was subtle, there was an absence of tang. Not YELLOW in my opinion. Kiwicakes Grandma also gave it the thumbs down.

Pineapple Custard
I tasted this on the street second. I immediately thought this tastes of YELLOW I am neither a great fan of pineapple, nor do I dislike it. To me it tasted much like the flavour of a pineapple lump. Kiwicakes Grandma said "too artifical!".

French Toast

I tasted this last, I was very intrigued by the idea of french toast chocolate. It was a wonderful flavour. It got my thumbs up for the taste of YELLOW Kiwicakes Grandma also gave this the thumbs up (no we do not always agree).
I stayed and chatted with the Yellow girls for a short time, in the time they were handing out samples, I heard only "that tastes like YELLOW" for the french toast and pineapple flavours.
Now you might be wondering what I think YELLOW tastes like. To me YELLOW had to be big, bold and bright, not subtle - French toast fitted the bill, as it ticked all the boxes of tasting great as well as big & bold.

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