
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cowboy cookies a la Bakerella

One of my all time favourite blogs EVER! is she has the most exciting array of baked goods, with exquisite photography. She is so generous, often including print templates, so you can complete her designs, right down to the label.

I was compelled to make her "cowboy" cookies in a jar, for gift giving - don't you just love the name?. When I saw the finished product on Bakerellas blog, I thought to myself "we never see special addition M&Ms in NZ!" (as per the pink Breast Cancer awareness M&Ms in Bakerellas Cowgirl cookies). Then lo and behold not two days later, I saw "orange flavoured white/orange" special addition M&Ms in the Moerewa 4 square, on a day trip through to Kerikeri in Northland on Sunday. As my mother in laws birthday is coming up on Thursday this week, I thought I'd make a jar for her.

Unfortunately, we do not have the wide array of empty jars available in the craft stores, that Bakerella has in America, but I did the best I could, with what Spotlight Whangarei had to offer. This resulted in thinner layers than Bakerellas, and I had to double the recipe to fill the jar- 50 cookies anyone?. Nevertheless, I was happy with the result. It's something I am going to try again, and hopefully come up with a better looking filled jar.

Want to read Bakerellas full post - click here.


  1. she is the best and i love your jar and use of pretty halloween colors.

  2. I had so much fun making these. My mother law has since baked the cookies and brought some over for e, they were so darn tasty.
