
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How To Make a Topsy-Turvy Whimsical Cake

This is my last rave about for the day. I urge you all to join (it's free) and go check out the wonderful tutorials they have on offer. Whilst many of us, are prepared to give any cake a go, by looking at a picture in a book, the topsy turvy cake, is one cake, where we could all use some instructions. This technique is a fun optical illusion that makes your cake appear topsy-turvy. Check out the full tutorial for this cake at


  1. Great information! Thank you SO much!

    I read on a site today that someone named Dieci Soli invented the topsy-turvy cake. I can't find any backup for this information. Is this name familiar to you? (The link on the site for that name didn't work.)

    I haven't given up trying, but I'm asking here only because you are so knowledgeable about cake matters.

    Again, thanks!

  2. I'm sorry I haven't heard that - check out they have an amazing amount of info regarding topsy turvy cakes.

  3. This design looks very familiar.. is it from Edna's Design Me A Cake?

  4. Hey there, if you click on the link supplied for cake central it will take you to the story provided by the actual creator of this cake.
