
Sunday, March 29, 2009

What recipe do you use for buttercream?

Since discovering the following recipe for buttercream, I have never looked back. Adding meringue powder can make a crusting buttercream. I have convereted many of my friends and customers to the following recipe. It not only looks great & is easy to pipe. It tastes great too!
1/2 cup vegetable shortening (Crisco or Sno-creme - do not use Kremelta)
1/2 cup butter or margarine
*1 teaspoon Clear Vanilla (however brown vanilla is fine, if your icing isn’t white)
4 cups icing sugar (I have found Chelsea brand to be the best)
2 tablespoons milk**
Cream butter and shortening with electric mixer. Add vanilla. Gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often. When all sugar has been mixed in, icing will appear dry. Add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. Keep icing covered with a damp cloth until ready to use. For best results, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use. Refrigerated in an airtight container, this icing can be stored 2 weeks. Rewhip before using.
YIELD: 3 cups
*Substitute all-vegetable shortening and 1/2 teaspoon Wilton No-Colour Butter Flavour for pure white icing and stiffer consistency.
**Add extra milk to recipe to thin to medium & soft consistency.
*** If you want icing that crusts, but remains lovely and smooth underneath, add 1 ½ tbsp meringue powder. If piping buttercream roses, this is essential.


  1. The vegetable shortening - can you use Kremelta or does it only work with Crisco? What other brands can I use? Thanks, Debbie

  2. PLease read previous post on crisco

    Kremelta is a very poor substitute. You will never get it to blend smoothly, there are always little lumps, which get stuck in piping nozzles and are unsightly when you try to smooth it. KInd regards Sandra

  3. I am so glad I read your comment about Kremelta because I came across the same problem. I'm so glad it wasn't because I was doing. I also use the same buttercream icing and I have had awesome feedback. Thanks so much for this.

  4. So what do you use instead as i can't find Crisco in NZ? Thanks

  5. I use crisco, which I sell on the Kiwicakes website

  6. I used to use this buttercream, which is commonly known as "american buttercream." This one holds its shape best in warm temperatures, but it can be a bit rich and heavy. Sometimes you want an icing with a soft, marshmallowy feel rather than buttery, so I use Swiss Meringue Buttercream. If the cake needs decorating, the american buttercream is best, but if decorating is not a priority I would urge people to use Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
