
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday - Frosted Cupcake Cookie

These cookies make neat favours for parties and can be made in any colour to suit. They are really easy if you have the cupcake cutter on hand. We have multiple different cupcake shapes and sizes available. 

Once cookies are baked and cooled, brush them with a little sugar glue all over, excluding  the edges.

Make a sausage of various coloured fondant. You won't need much of the strongest colour as it becomes very dominant. Then follow Trish's tutorial video of fondant marbling and roll your finished log out in one direction to create the stripes as pictured below.

Again use your cupcake cutter to cut stripey base shapes, trim with a sharp knife and place on top of the sticky cookies.

To achieve the frosting look, roll out plain white fondant and roll over with with your choice of swirly girlyimpression m at placed on top. This time use the top of the cookie cutter to get your frosting outline and trim with a sharp knife so that the base sits nicely against the top of the striped 'cupcake wrapper'. A light sprinkle of non-toxic glitter accentuates the pattern even more. I used crystal candy pink glitter to tie the colours in the stripe below in with the purple gumball placed on top. Indenting the large end of a ball tool from this set into the freshly laid white fondant makes a nice hollow for the gumball to sit in.

The beauty of the marbling method is that no two stripe cut-outs will be identical. 

Sealed snugly in a favour bag these cookies look great and are easy to hand out individually.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday - Snowman figurine in fondant icing

This super cute snowman figurine topper has been created for Kiwicakes by Lisa at the Whole Cake and Caboodle. There's a number of steps to creating this wee snowman, but followed step by step, it's actually quite easy.

I tend to build my figures on a cake dummy/polystyrene block if doing them in advance. Here I use a long kebab stick as support and poke it into the dummy. Make sure it moves by pulling it out and poking it in to the same spot a few more times…nothing worse than finishing your figure and finding the support is stuck. You can wreck it all in the process of removing it.

 Step 1: Get a large piece of white gumpaste or well stiffened fondant about 6-7 cm round. I have shown it in my palm for size against a polyball. Roll into a ball and then elongate into a more teardrop shape about 8cm tall. Place on stick and squeeze in chest a little at the top to give him a more pronounced tummy if you wish

Step 2: Roll a long sausage shape around 1cm thick. Hold against the body and decide how long you want the arms. Fold the sausage in half and cut two arms the same length. Flatten the shoulder ends a little so when they are attached they aren't bulky. Flatten the hand ends also and cut a thumb (per photo below). Then gently round the edges with your fingers and check the fit against the body. I have curved these at the moment as I wish them to be bent but will straighten them out. If they are too long cut them shorter.

Step 3: Using required colour for a cardigan roll out fondant to around 2mm thick. Then using an impression mat if you wish emboss the fondant. I roll away from myself but before you do so ensure your icing isn't going to stick to your work area by adding a light dusting of cornflour as the added pressure when embossing can cause it to do so. Cut two 10cm x 5 cm rectangles (per photo below).

Step 4: Using a slight brush of glue on one rectangle adhere like so to the body with a slight overlap at the top. Gently pushing in excess around neck using a touch more glue if necessary. Straighten arms and place on the lightly glued second rectangle and roll up. You can cut the rectangle in half and roll each separately if you wish but doing it this way doesn’t distort the pattern. Both arms should be covered by icing fabric but pull them gently apart to give it a light stretch if they aren't. Cut the 'fabric' and check that the joins are neat then bend the arms a little if you wish them to be in that position (see photos below). Gently squish the top of the sleeve together. Mark a bend with the back of a knife like so if you wish more definition and glue lightly to the body.

Step 5: Roll another smaller ball of white fondant about 4-5 cm in diameter. Using your finger push down at the front like so and then squeeze in at the sides like so. This gives him more definition for cheeks and where his eyes will go. Push it down on the stick to check size and shapes are pleasing. It doesn't matter if the hole goes all the way through as it will be covered. Remove and using the side of your finger indent a little to make more defined cheeks. Then using the ends of your fingers or a ball tool make indents where his eyes will be then gently smooth into a soft cheek outline. Using the end of a paintbrush or a small ball tool mark a nose position and using the end of a large piping tube make a mouth (as per photos below)

Step 6: Using a toothpick dipped into gel colouring mark the eyes by gently pushing into the head. Don’t push in to far otherwise you will make a huge hole. Eye position is best close together and close to the nose for the cutest look. If you put them to high on the head or to far apart they can look weird…just saying! The toothpick gives you a nice round controlled spot that is hard to obtain with a paintbrush. I use the ends of paintbrushes also but it can be too big. Practice on a spare bit of fondant first if you aren't confident. Using a light peach or pink dust your cheeks (as per photo below). I always put a touch on the brush and then remove the excess by brushing in the lid of the pot so you don’t over colour your item. I used Rainbow Dust Pink Candy. Using a pea sized bit of not too bright orange fondant roll a teardrop shape and lightly score lines in random spots to make it look more carrot like. Don't make your carrot too long. Place head on body and glue in place and glue nose in indent. I decided to tilt my snowman's head slightly to the side.

Step 7: Roll and emboss another rectangle about 12 x 5 cm and cut like so. It doesn't have to be exact but the top shorter length is now around 6cm. Before gluing check that it fits around the snowman's head, adjust size if needed. Glue on in this position gluing joins, fold the top ends in lightly like so then bend back lightly like so 

Step 8: Using a piping bag or disposable piping bag pipe on royal icing eyebrows and an edge on the hat, jacket, jacket sleeves and a larger ball on the end of the hat. I piped in a wiggly zigzag motion. It doesn’t have to be exact or perfect its just to give it a bobbly effect. You don’t need good piping skills. You can mix up your own using an eggwhite beaten and then adding enough icing sugar to make a stiff pipable icing or buy a mix 

Step 9: Using a slightly darker colour roll out a length of icing around 30cm. Emboss all along the length. If your embossing mat isn't that long do a length then line up the mat again giving it a slight overlap of 5cm and then reroll the next bit. Start pushing/rolling a little away from the edge like so of the mat so you dotn create a line. You should have a continuous strip with a negligible join. Cut a scarf about 1 cm wide and around 25cm long and fringe both ends (as per photos below)

Step 10: Wrap up your snowman. I have started gluing the scarf like so, covering his neck and any joins, make sure its not to high around his mouth. At the front make a little fold and flatten and mark as so to simulate a knot. Drape and glue the end of the scarf where required

Finish him off if you wish with a snowflake on his hat, or in his hands. I have lightly painted the woolly edging with Rainbow Dust pearl white and painted his scarf with a Rainbow Dust royal blue dust mixed with vodka and Rainbow Dust Paint-It spring green to add extra interest.

Fondant must be stiffened with cmc/tylose, in some cases gumpaste can do with a little extra stiffening as well. If your figure is slumping or wrinkling it is not stiff enough.
You can remove the kebab stick once your figure sets a little if you wish. I like leaving them in as the part that is in the dummy will then extend into your cake to make the figure more secure so it doesn’t topple over. Always let your recipient know when there are inedible supports