
Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh So cute reindeer pop - using heart mould


This cake pop tutorial for reindeer cake pops comes from the manufacturer of the awesome cake pop moulds we sell. Look what an upside down heart can make!

Supplies you will need. 

In addition you might need a black candy colour (for the mouth) and red colour dust (for the cheeks) and a couple of chocolate melts (for the eyes).

Dip the heart into the candy melts and right before dry add pretzels then let dry.

The Bow is two jumbo hearts facing each other. A drop of candy melts in the center and stick on the green sprinkle.

New cake pop moulds

 I was thrilled to open the boxes that arrived today, which contained the new release set of cake pop moulds because they are just so darn cute! This is definitely my Christmas present to myself.



Monday, December 12, 2011

Fruit powders in cheesecake

After chatting with one of my lovely customers (that's you Kim!) and she was telling me about how she had used the passionfruit fruit powder in cheescake and was going to make them in the way I had for the Christmas bauble cheesecakes from 2009 (click here for that post - photo below). I couldn't resist trying it for myself and the taste, how can I describe it?, "to die for" comes to mind. What was also interesting for me, was my daughter was prepared to try it because it was just yellow (no black seeds) and she loved it, but would never previously try passionfruit, because of the "black bits"

But I had to take it one step further and try the raspberry powder as well, it rated right up there too, but passionfruit was definitely my favourite. However my dear hubby & daughter preferred the berry. It was so easy to split a cheescake mix 50/50 and do some passionfruit and some raspberry, it would be easy to keep everyone happy. I think they would work well in the cupcake size cheescake, like those I did with strawberry hearts from 2010 (click here for that post) And of course in the fruit powders - there's a wide range to choose from, with other berries, mango & plum too

I also think with a bowl of freshly cut strawberries, a squirt of cheescecake from a piping bag, using a decorative nozzle, makes a nice addition, following a heavy meal, when a large piece of cheesecake might be too much for lighter eaters. (I won't include myself in that one, I always have room for cheesecake!)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New My Little Cupcake Pop mould

Kiwicake's is proud to be New Zealand's first stockist for the My Little Cupcake Pop mould 


Just in time for Christmas priced at $12.95 This mould is attractively packaged, it would make a super cute gift of it's own.


 It's for birthdays too!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Photo's from our cake classes this weekend

Here are some photos from the classes we had here at the weekend. (Christmas cake pops, wild animal & Christmas critter modelling, as well as Christmas cupcakes)

The cake pops above were made by Aleisha (7 years) who came along with her Mum Tanya, they both had a lovely time

Our Christmas cupcake class was a huge success, held on both days, there were a wide variety of styles, but a firm favourite with everyone was the snowflake tree, made using snowflake plunger cutters, it looks great iced, or uniced.

The mini Christmas puddings were made with miniature mallowpuffs.

The snowflake plunger cutter sets, also make great little plaques, to sit figures on.


Fun Christmas trees with the kids

This weekend past has been choc-a-block full of cake decorating on Saturday afternoon I made Gingerbread Christmas trees with the children and all weekend long, there has been classes here at Kiwicakes (more about those later)

As my youngest is only 5, I opted for the convenience of the pre-baked gingerbread tree kits  however if you have older children, you can in stead purchase a cookie tree kit, which is a set of cutters that allows you to bake your own cookies.

The pre-baked gingerbread kit comes with all of the coloured icing, lollies and presents you need to make the tree (our children added the Santa, snowmen and plastic Merry Christmas plaque, these do not come with the kit).

This morning, they carried their finished trees in to school, which I had wrapped in cellophane for them - they drew many admiring comments from the other children and their teachers were in raptures, poor Miss Corby I thought she was going to cry.

The first photo is Mr 5's and the second photo is Miss 8's. My youngest needed a small amount of help, my 8 year under supervision, did it by herself)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Staff Picks at Kiwicakes - CUPCAKES (by Grandma Kiwicakes)

-->With Christmas fast approaching we're all discussing our Christmas goodies . As Sandra is very busy getting all your parcels ready I thought I (Grandma Kiwicakes) would do a few posts on our picks for different items to use in our Christmas Baking . This week its cupcakes . The choices were endless.
We all had a really hard time deciding our favourites . To pick your favourites - Just check out the Category

Grandma Kiwicake's picks are

Sandra's Picks

Standard Cupcakes - Standard silver cupcake cases with silver reindeer picks and silver tree cupcake picks . These have just arrived and are really lovely

Karina's Picks

We all had a really hard time deciding our favourites. Which selection do you like best?

Photos from our last cake decorating class

Last Sunday was our figure modelling class with Lisa - it was booked out with 12 students. Our students made horses & teddies, these photos were taken towards the end of the class, some of the horses were finished further after the photos were taken. I think they all look great!. We've just 2 weekends of classes left until 2012. Click on the CLASSES tab above this post under the Kiwicakes banner to find out what you can do Dec 3/4 or Dec 11