I had the pleasure of taking my daughters year 3 & 4 class for cookie decorating a week or so back. Prior to arriving I was just quietly terrified, I've never thought of myself as teacher material. They were so well behaved, the class is a credit to their teacher Miss Caroline Trevillian or "Miss T" as she is known.
When I offered Miss T the chance to do this with her class, she suggested gingerbread men, as the class is currently working on self portraits and lots of activities surrounding this theme. I baked each child a gingerbread boy & girl, so they could make themselves and one of someone they loved. Their work was amazing. I even learnt a wee tip from a young girl named Trinity - the way she applied her fondant hair to her cookie was something I am going to have to use in future. Miss T even managed to take a photo of every child with their finished cookies.

They surprised me the next day with a handmade card from every child. Each card had their photo with their finished cookie. According to my daughter Poppy the cards took all afternoon. It certainly looks like a lot of effort went in to them. It was funny what each child told me they liked about doing the cookie decorating. I got "you must be the best Mum in the whole world" (Poppy might disagree with that) and many other superlatives. I adore my cards and think I will hang on to them forever.

We even made the school newsletter.